These machines process the soil and bury stones, clods and crop residues with great efficiency even in areas that have not been previously worked and with particularly tenacious soils.

Stone buriers help prepare the seedbed for many types of agricultural crops by burying clods and stones, even in the case of untilled soils.

The interrasses allow multiple operations to be carried out in a single step: clod thickness reduction, residue burial, etc., in order to reduce the time needed for complete soil tillage.

Inter-row tillers - Professional inter-tillers Zanon

Zanon's intersoilers allow even the most difficult soils to be worked optimally.

The rotation of the milling rotor, with special hoes, allows soft soil to be brought back to the surface, facilitating the subsequent mechanical seeding or transplanting operations. The end result will be particularly satisfying and uniform. The soil will be leveled more effectively than with conventional stone buriers.